
Flyway provides the means to manage schema changes to a YugabyteDB database, among others.

YugabyteDB has developed a plugin for better integration with Flyway. This plugin is available under the Flyway Community DB Support project.


To use Flyway with YugabyteDB, you need the following:

  • YugabyteDB version 2.20 or later (see Quick Start).

  • Flyway community edition version 10.12.0 or later (see Download Flyway).

  • Flyway plugin for YugabyteDB version 10.12.0 or later (see Maven coordinates).

  • Connection details in the Flyway configuration file conf/flyway.conf. Append the following at the end of the file, replacing flyway.url with the URL of your running YugabyteDB cluster:


    You can also use the vanilla PostgreSQL JDBC Driver instead of the YugabyteDB JDBC Smart Driver by setting the URL prefix to jdbc:/postgresql://, and the plugin will attempt to use the corresponding driver.

  • Add YugabyteDB JDBC Smart Driver jar in your application's classpath. Use the following maven coordinates; for the latest version, see the mvn repository.


Migrate schema

Flyway allows you to specify migrations using either SQL or Java.


By default, Flyway runs migrations inside a transaction. In case of failures, the transaction is rolled back (see Flyway Transactions). Because YugabyteDB does not currently support DDLs inside a user-initiated transaction (instead, it runs a DDL inside an implicit transaction), you may need to manually revert the DDL changes when you see a message about failed migrations "Please restore backups and roll back database and code".


You can specify migrations as SQL statements in .sql files that are placed in the <FLYWAY_INSTALL_DIR>/sql/ directory by default. You can change the location of these files by placing them in a different directory and then editing the flyway.locations property in the flyway.conf file accordingly.

To migrate schema using SQL, perform the following:

  • Create migration SQL scripts under the sql/ directory, as shown in the following example using the motorcycle_manufacturers table:

    cat sql/Create_motorcycle_manufacturers_table.sql
    CREATE TABLE motorcycle_manufacturers (
      manufacturer_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
      manufacturer_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
    cat V2__Insert_into_motorcycle_manufacturers.sql
    INSERT INTO motorcycle_manufacturers (manufacturer_id, manufacturer_name)
    VALUES (default, 'Harley-Davidson'), (default, 'Yamaha');
  • Run migrations by executing the following command:

     ./flyway migrate

Use Java

You can define Flyway migrations as Java classes by extending the BaseJavaMigration class and overriding the migrate() method.

The following example shows how to use Java to add a column called hq_address to the motorcycle_manufacturers table:

package db.migration;

import org.flywaydb.core.api.migration.BaseJavaMigration;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.migration.Context;
import java.sql.Statement;

public class V3__AddHQAdress extends BaseJavaMigration {

  public void migrate(Context context) throws Exception {
    try (Statement alter = context.getConnection().createStatement()) {
      alter.execute("ALTER TABLE motorcycle_manufacturers
                    ADD COLUMN hq_address VARCHAR(50)");

After you compile the Java class, place its JAR in the <FLYWAY_INSTALL_DIR>/jars/ directory, as this is the default location for Flyway to look for Java migration JARs. If you want to use a different location, you need to specify the JAR path by editing the flyway.locations property in the flyway.conf file.

To check the state of the database and run the migration, execute the following commands:

 ./flyway info
 ./flyway migrate

Learn more

Refer to the Flyway documentation for more details on using Flyway.